Pink Anxiety


The Craft Collection

CautionCAUTION : Experienced smokers only. Limited supplies available.

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What is Craft?

Our Craft Collection line of cannabis is without comparison. Whereas some offer AAAA+ grade cannabis, the Craft Collection is all of that - and more. These strains are grown and cared for with an unparalled amount of attention.

When you buy a Craft grade strain, it is highly probable that your bud has been exposed to the music of Beethoven (we're only half kidding), with each plant receiving special attention.

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Typical Effects
Common Usage
About Pink Anxiety

Diesel, Earthy, Skunky

Pink Anxiety is an relaxing and euphoric strain that is a favourite of many smokers for its ability to ease stress and depression.

Cultivated by the experts at B.C. Gold Farms, this strain is a cross between Pink Kush X Pink Painkiller. With extremely high THC levels, this makes it a great strain for medical cannabis consumers as well as those just looking to take the edge off.

Pink Anxiety has an earthy, floral, and gas berry flavour that will be sure to satisfy. When it comes to getting high, Pink Anxiety brings relaxation with a twist of happy giggles. Users will find that they are instantly taken to a euphoric head-space, as even the potential of a negative thought is far from the mind.

Medical patients tend to gravitate toward Pink Anxiety for its overwhelming body effects that work to combat physical pain, migraines, and nausea. Used frequently to overcome stress, anxiety, and extreme nervousness, it’s a great way to calm yourself down and enjoy a carefree day. If used later in the evening, smoking a decent amount of this strain will lull you into a deep sleep.


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